Friday, August 31, 2012

Telephone Museum

It was our first field trip of the new school year today.  We walked down to main street to visit the Telephone Museum.  It is set up to look like an old house with telephones from different eras all over.  In the front lobby there is an old phone booth and operator board.  The best part is it is greatly hands on.

Following the museum we went for a walk around town stopping at this archway for pictures and then on to the piece of heavy artillery on display to honour the veterans. 

As we continued our walk home we came across a fire truck parked in front of a house, the firemen were working on a patient on the front lawn where he apparently collapsed, my guess is heart attack.  As we walked past we heard the ambulance approaching.  No pictures of that since I felt it would be disrespectful. 

All in all a very successful 1st field trip of the year right here in our own little town.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

2012-2013 Curriculum

Often when people start looking at homeschooling blogs they are quite eager to see what curriculum or method you are using.  This year is a bit different for us as I have shifted direction with the younger kids dramatically.

We will all be starting each day together with morning Basket

From there:

A- Grade 8 and C- Grade 7 will be working together on almost everything, following a classical method of homeschooling.  Most exciting for term 1 is the two online socratic discussion classes they will be taking.  One is Introduction to the Great Books, and the other is classical poetry.  In addition they will be using the following curriculum.  They are delayed in many courses due to learning disabilities but they catching up.

Math- They will do a quick review of concepts using Waldorf method for fun, and some remedial work with Horizons.  By 2nd term they should be doing pre-algebra with Teaching Textbooks

Grammar- R&S 5
Spelling- A will be using R&S 7, C will be using All About Spelling
Composition- Meaningful Composition
Literature and poetry will be done through the online classes as list above

Science- Apologia Physical Science, as well as units on Human anatomy & physiology, and on zoology

History- Early Modern North American History (meaning from natives and first settlers up through 1860)

Geography- Mapping the World through Art

Logic- MP traditional Logic

Latin- Latina Christiana 1 (They will be writing the introductory national latin exam in the spring)

French- Mission Monde 1

Bible- Sonlight bible 110

Other- Artistic Pursuits, lapbooking, penmanship, C- History of the Horse, A- Paleontology study

My younger 2 students will be doing a hybrid of Waldorf and classical

Their mornings after morning basket H will have his main lesson block using the curriculum from Waldorf Essentials and then move onto these subjects.

Math- When not doing a math block, He will be working through Horizons math

Spelling- All about spelling
Phonics- All about reading
Penmanship- Handwriting without tears
Composition- Writing with Ease
Grammar- R&S 2

Science- Apologia Human anatomy, Apologia Zoology 1

French- Mission Monde ABC

Latin- Latina Christiana 1 (he will be writing the exploratory latin exam in the spring)

Geography- A trip around the world series

Logic- logic puzzles and games

Other- Artistic pursuits, composer study, lapbooking, recorder, handwork

In addition he has a once a week online parent and child class called Fables & Tales 1.  It is a socratic discussion class focused on Aesop's Fables, the parables and a couple tall tales.

I will following the K program from Waldorf Essentials followed by:

Phonics- All About Reading pre-level 1
Penmanship- Handwriting without tears
Language Lessons for little ones vol 1
Geography- Little Passports
Math- Mathematical Reasoning beginning finish book 1 and do book 2
Science- when she wants to join the bigger kids

All the kids will also have nature study weekly and a fieldtrip at least monthly to round out their learning.

This year looks like it will be a very exciting year, with lots of new experiences.

Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of school 2012-2013

We celebrated our first day back to school today.  While we did not complete a full day's curriculum we still had a great first day.  Our local public school has a no hair dye clause in the dress code so as a way of celebrating the little things that make homeschooling better we had fun with coloured hair spray. 

Here they are: this year's students!

Aren't they gorgeous?