Oh my goodness what a week. I felt like I was on the go non-stop and yet when I look back we really did not accomplish much at all.
Monday morning I went in for my blood work and ecg. With the amount of blood sampled I am surprised I was able to walk out of there. This dr is definitely being thorough. The teens had shooting again in the evening. A proved his ability as a marksman again. C came within 3 mm of getting her cross rifles award.
Tuesday C had her online latin class. From the feedback I am hearing she is pretty much head of the class right now. She had to leave class a few minutes early for another trip to the city so I could see the pediatric dentist and do the consult for her upcoming dental surgery. We rushed straight to cadets upon getting back into town and the teens enjoyed their meeting while I worked in the supply room outfitting new cadets in uniforms and FTX gear.
Wednesday A had his online LOTR literature class and both teens had their online Modern Classics class where they continued to discuss Oliver Twist. In the evening I began my new job as a line cook in the diner that just opened in town. I have never cooked like this before but it went well and was not nearly as scary as it seemed.
Thursday was C's latin class again. The teens worked on their lit homework from the day before and I rested my sore back from working the night before. In the evening was kids church/youth group/adult bible study.
Friday H built himself a tipi on the front lawn, the 3 oldest kids spent an hour at the library, and I went for a play date with a friend. And I tried to focus on chores around the house because I will be working all weekend and not going to be able to do much.
Saturday I goes to her first Spark day camp and she is very excited. A friend is picking her up in the morning because I will already be at work by then. So it was a busy week, with no photo ops and no real academic work outside of the classes, but that is the way life is sometimes. We need to adjust to the addition of me working outside the house 3 days a week and tweak our schedules a little more to make it work.
I'm just tired from reading about your week! That's a lot going on. The LOTR online class sounds intriguing.